Monday, April 25, 2011

Top Ten Reasons Why I Love My Husband

10.  He ALWAYS takes my feelings into consideration and usually lets me win when I shouldn't.  :(  I can certainly learn from him.  I will admit,  I can be a mega bitch sometimes.  I LOVE YOU MIKE!

9.  He loves me soooo good (bow chica wow wow).  Hence 5 children. 

8.  He's my first, my last, my everything, and the answer to all my dreams....wait....are those my own words?  LOL.  O well.....he is.  Through the hardest times in our life.....he has NEVER discarded me or walked away.  Believe me, if you know my would want to run like the wind....wait.....I think I've been doing too much karaoke.  LOL.
7.  I love the way I could start a sentence and he can end it for me.  The way I try to explain something (VERY VAGUE) and he knows EXACTLY what I'm talking about.  XOXOXO!

6. I love that he will take care of all those nasty tasks that I just don't want to do.  Like changing those dirty ole diapers that run up the back (gag) or puke from one of the kids when they are sick (gag) or even when mommy is sick.  He cares.

5.  I love the fact that we share one passion together (other than our Family).  TEXAS HOLD'EM!!!  I just feel so horrible for him when I kick his ass on the felt.  ;)  What? What?  It's true.  ;)

4.  I love that he loves me no matter how pleasantly plump I am.  He tells me just about every single day how beautiful I am no matter how I look.  He loves me for me (I'm still getting my boobs!).  He makes me feel beautiful inside and out.

3.  I love the way we have grown in our relationship.  How much we truly trust each other as all relationships should.  Without trust....leads hardship.  We are one.

2.  He is the greatest husband I've ever had!!!!  Okay, he IS the greatest husband ANYONE could have.  He's ALL MINE!  He takes care of me and supports me.  I love him for this.

1.  He is the BEST daddy EVER.  He truly takes care of our children.  Makes sure they come first.  Makes sure when they are down that he tries to resolve the issue going through their little brains.  He plays with them.  Helps them with their homework.  Is the doctor when they are sick.  He's their cook, their chauffeur,  their maid, their disciplinary, their friend..........he is the best role model a child could have.  Well......everyone has their I will admit.....if he could just give them less chips.  LOL.  Sorry....had to throw that in there.  :(  I love you Michael Lee Medley!!!!!