Monday, February 28, 2011


One thing I love about being overseas is shopping the bazaars.  You can usually find all kinds of treasures for anyone that is near and dear to you.  This past weekend I hit the Camp Zama Bazaar, but it was....well....kind of bizaar because there really wasn't much there (sorry MIL....I didn't get you anything this time).  Not what I had really expected.  Much smaller than others that I have been to.  I will say was nice to walk and peruse the items and I saved money.  I give it.....


They had a couple rows of tents full of old and new and products. 

Cool....puzzle box!

Cool....Kokeshi Dolls!!


Cool...gorgeous blue table ware!!!!

Cool....old man writing in Kanji!!!!!

Not so the vendor probably paid a buck for, but charged us an arm and leg.  Toys that I couldn't say no to my daughter because she stuck out those pouty know.....the one that mommy can't say "no" to.  Toys that they play with for one day. Not because they wouldn't play with it again, but because it broke.  It didn't break because it wasn't handled properly.  It broke because it was made purely of crap and it was sold to suckers like me.  :(  Anyways....moving on.....

Last, but not least....not so cool....fake hair hats.  These hats make two adorable kids look like complete dorks.  LOL.  I still love them dorks.

At the end of the day, I bought a couple small items and the girls where happy.  That's all that matters!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

What Was I Thinking?

When I told Mike we were going to go out to eat, I'm sure what he heard was "Take two chopsticks and gouge my eyes out."  I almost forgot why we really never go out to eat with all the kids.  Tonight reminded me of exactly why we take it "TO GO."
I love my kids....I really do, but you have to know your limitations.  I mean, yeah....we can handle them, but why put ourselves through the torture in public when we can take the same torture at the house, BUT we can give hell back without having all eyes on us from others.  
I have some really good friends.  I mean, if I knew a family like mine I would spend time with them, but the day they asked me if I wanted to spend an evening out to a restaurant with the entire family....well....I'm sure something would come up that I would have to take a reign check......every....single.....time....I was asked.  LOL.  I appreciate it.  I do, but I will never ask again.  That is misery wanting company (of course I'm exaggerating...somewhat).

We get to Great - Viking Restaurant.  So excited.  I could just smell the aroma seeping out the building.  My tummy does flips excitedly.  I figured there was going to be, at a minimum, a 10 minute wait, but we ended up waiting about an hour. hour.  A total of 5 adults and 6 children.  Someone choke me already.  This happened to be my GREAT idea.  

And this guy was not really happy with it.  Thank god he loves me for reasons other than my bright ideas.  

But he was a trooper and a scholar!!!

 He made me so proud.  Proud because he didn't give me an ear full!

No issues with this kid.  Until you ask him to clean his room and all hell breaks loose, but tonight, he was an angel and he minded well.  

 It was still a great experience with the group to sit on cushions on tatami mats and have the hot cloth to wipe our hands or our kids faces.

Don't let this smile fool you.  He's a devil in disguise right now.  ;)

There's nothing better than to end your meal by making your own cotton candy.  Super scrumptious.

  Thanks to all that joined the circus this evening .  We'll be here all week! 

Friday, February 25, 2011

B-Ball Time!

There is no fear greater than having my child feel as if they failed.  It's the process that they go through in their little brains.  Things like "I suck," "I'm a loser," or "No one likes me because they won't throw the ball to me."  I want my children to be confident in whatever task that is presented to them.  No matter the outcome, as long as they give their 100% effort they will be successful (okay...that's loser talk....j/k) and this is what I try to instill in them. boy is playing basketball (on a team) for the first time ever.  I'm so proud of him.  He absolutely loves it.  I don't worry so much that he will get physically hurt (that's going to happen and it toughens a kid up) during practice or a game.  I worry that he will feel that he's not good enough or if he feels as if he's not contributing to the team.  He hasn't addressed or shown any signs of his fear of inability to perform his position, but when my husband comes home from practice I always ask "how did he do?"...."did he get the ball?"......."did he make any baskets?"  Sometimes a parent worries more than the child (I know this).  I just want to ensure he atleast gets to touch the ball.  I've been there (this is where is stems from....LOL).  It's funny how I was always open, but the ball never ended up in my arms (@!$@#%).  :(  It's all good.  

So, my husband is one of the coaches on the team.  I feel so much better because now I know my boy will play EVERY SINGLE TIME.  LOL.  J/K.  I do know that my husband is fair.  He will ensure that each child gets their chance and MY SON WILL PLAY EVERY SINGLE TIME.  Really...that's not true (cough cough).

My son also has a good support system.  Here he is with his sister and friend (mommy is behind the lens).  Just having Family and Friends there to show that you are rooting for them is a help and makes them feel special. 

And not special like short yellow bus!
What what!!!!  Here is my boy traveling like a mug attempting to put this ball in a 18" in diameter hoop. 

Here he is again AND HE HAS THE BALL (Mommy is happy).

That's my boy.....#3.  Faster than a gazelle on the courts.  Shoots like a.......well......let's just say he needs help in that area.  

It's all good.  He'll get to learn the sport, learn how to be a team player and decide if he wants to try this basketball thing again. I hope so.  He really looks like he enjoys it.  I will post a video once I figure out how to collect it from a friends FB post.  He's too freaking cute.

Friday, February 18, 2011


This weekend there was some social cohesion amongst several personnel from my work force.  At times people think "why would I want to hang out with folks I have to see all day?"'s important.  A person that can work and play together will more than likely accomplish the mission in a timely manner.  You have a better chance of achieving task cohesion.  Unfortunately, if you dislike someone you tend not be as  motivated to coordinate your efforts as a team to achieve whatever goal that has been set forth (not me 
  Let me also say, as it is important to have social and task cohesion it's all about balance in the end.  For instance, too much socialization can lead to insubordination.  You have to find balance in your life (work, home, self......).   Enjoy the pics.

What better way to bond with your peers and subordinates alike with a pitcher of yummies.

Maybe not a pitcher, but certainly yummy......once you get past all the head in there. 

So, I had to take the train.  All by myself.  I was a little intimidated at first.  I don't like doing things by myself.  I was successful though.  YAY ME! 
We start off at some restaurant that I've never been to, but it's definitely a place I would go back.

Even though it was a good time, I don't know why I continue to put myself in positions like so.  I always get picked on.  It's like I'm always reliving my middle school years.  :( 
That's okay.  After throwing some back I saw lips moving, but words were not coming out.

We later head to The Hub which was not far from the restaurant we started at.

Once we had our fill of The Hub we head over to the nearest karaoke bar to end our night.  I love karaoke!!!!  Well, once I get that liquid courage in me.   

Remember the whole spiel I mentioned above....well....the guy on the mic that is not japanese is my XO and the chinese dude is my 1SG.  We make up a great command team.  I'm pretty proud of them guys (tear). 

Monday, February 14, 2011

You Complete Me

Ahhh.....Valentine's Day.  A day to show your love and affection to that special someone whether your spouse, a friend, a child.  A day of excuses to eat chocolate ( starts tomorrow).  A day of reckoning for some, but the general idea of 14 Feb is to express to that special someone that you care.  MISSION SUCCESSFUL for my husband.  Although a simple card with frilly hearts would have sufficed. He went above and beyond.  As I walk through the doors of our humble abode I look on our dining room table and there lays a beautiful bouquet of flowers.

The colors were so vibrant....full of life......sooooo.....okay, let me stop.  Although I truly love the flowers and the way they look, smell, and all that jazz.....what really caught my eye was the item next to the bouquet.

  AN IPAD (yay me). 

No no....don't get me wrong.  I'm not materialistic, but I'm certainly not going to shrug off AN IPAD.  I'm not one of these females that "expect"
 on this day either.  I'm also not going to lie and say it didn't make my heart pitter patter to hold THE IPAD.  LOL.   I love you Mike and it's not because of THE IPAD.  You truly do complete me.  You are the greatest father, husband, and best friend a woman could have.  I look forward to the many memories that we will make together.  Love you.

*  Question - What do you call a person that doesn't give their spouse anything for Valentines Day, but recieves an IPAD?  :(

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Chinese New Year Festival

My Family and I have less than a year left in Japan. I'm happy to say that this past Sunday I was able to check Chinese New Year Festival off my "TO DO" list.  With the end of the tour creeping up and the length of my list......I'm going to have to make moves, but at the same time truly enjoy the moment of each event.  Which I did on Sunday where we met with great friends and headed to Yokohama to watch the festivities.  

First off......this place was down right crowded.  Thank goodness I left the little ones home. I don't think I would have had the talent to deal with the crowd and beating my kids without anyone noticing.  :)  It was well worth paying a babysitter and taking part in the most important of the traditional Chinese holiday.  

The company was great, food was awesome, and the entertainment was first class.  Check it!

Where's Waldo?  Can you find my friends Melissa and Jason?
*Hint:  They are caucasian........the westerners.......two of these things don't look like the others!

To be honest, even though it was extremely crowded, I didn't get frustrated.  Japanese people are just polite.  Even when they bump you it's as if a feather brushing your face.  Perhaps it's because of the Japanese people short stature.  Anyways, check out the clip below.  It was the beginning of the parade.  I was taking forever to upload.  I will attempt to post the video in the near future.  :(

Not only did they have the fireworks going off and the dragons dancing,

but they had gorgeous lions.....


       They also had gorgeous girls with porcelain faces dressed in ethnic costumes!!!!

and some.....not so attractive to look at.  This guy is looking at the lady like "Bitch please......I will slap that smile off your face."

After the smell of the fireworks disappeared from our noses and the last performer scooted on by we decided to sit down and let our dawgs relax a bit.  Here we are enjoying quality time with each other.  The food was truly phenomenal.  We stopped and got some ice cream right outside the restaurant were we had happily stuffed our faces.  No one eats a meal without dessert. Definitely not this woman!!!  My physique can attest to this ( diet starts tomorrow).  I just wish I would have had the blueberry ice cream like Melissa.  It was heaven in my mouth when I tried hers!  Yes...that good.

So, before we head back to Zama we decided to stop in Ebina to walk around a bit.  Actually, it was someone's bright idea to kill time before dinner.  Yes.....we are already thinking about dinner time.  We like to eat.  :) It actually worked out perfectly.  We did that, headed back to Zama and than went to the best restaurant in this area.  I so wish I could tell you what it's called, but I can't.......literally......I have no clue.  :(  If any of you figure it out, let me know. 

There's nothing better than ending your day at this place!!!!

                                                  Eating this food!!!!


Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Me = Awesome

I was born a Sagittarius.  It is said that we tend to be optimistic and have a great capacity for faith.  There was some other things that I read about, but lets just say it's not that important to mention ( wasn't anything negative....honestly), but I would have to agree with what I said above.  I believe that has a lot to do with how I was raised.  I'm a proud Navy "brat."  I truly think I'm a well rounded individual because of this.  My parents did a really good job with us kids considering the trials and tribulations (sorry mom and dad.  :().  I have an older brother, sister and a younger brother.  I wish I could say that the gray on my parents head is from old age, but I know it had a lot to do with us children.   We were......ummm........inquiring little things.  In retrospect, we should have never let our inquiring minds know, but as young'ins we really thought we knew best (rut row).  Half the time it just got us in trouble.  I just thank goodness it never led to any prison time (phew).  We are all now respectable citizens.  It's funny, growing up I always saw myself wearing that white/brown uniform as my father.  He is my hero!  Sometimes life doesn't pan out the way you may have expected, but hey......that's okay.  You choose your path and you go for it.  That's what I did.  I chose the Army and am very thankful for it.  Uncle Sam was originally a stepping stone in my life, but has become my life.  I've served the US for the past 16 years and am proud of it.  If it wasn't for the military I would have never met my wonderful husband Mike (koodos to me!) and I would never have had these 5.....yes FIVE fabulous kids.  Asia (14), Michayla (9), Gabriel (6), Nathan AKA Nate Dog (3) and Jayson (10 months).  I'm proud to serve my country.  In a nutshell..........I'm pretty freaking awesome.
*Thinks to self :   Is it wrong to have grandiose feelings about my own self-importance?..........NAH!  I'm awesome.  :)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Day 1 - Intimidation

Well….I did it!  I am officially a blogger.  A friend of mine recently messaged me and said this should be easy for me because I love to talk.  Well, there is a difference between jaw jacking and actually writing it down.  It’s a bit intimidating.  I think it has taken me 10 minutes to type the 5 sentences here.  Let’s call this a test and the next entry will be a brief bio of et moi!  Ahhhh…..the great thing about my blog is that it’s MY blog.  I can start and end it when I want.  THE END.