Wednesday, March 23, 2011

I Stand By My Decision!

There are times in your life that you are going to have to make difficult decisions.  Once you have assessed the situation, laid out the different courses of actions (COA) step is to select the best COA and move out.  Don't feel bad because you have onsies or twosies that disagree.  Just make a decision.  There's never a time when the entire audience will completely agree with you.  

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Mother Nature

Mother nature can be a real bitch sometimes. Below is a video taken by a lady here on Camp Zama during the largest earthquake I have experienced.  As a matter of fact, it is reportedly the biggest recorded in Japanese history and the 5th largest in the world.  8.9-magnitude earthquake.  Crazy.  So many lives lost. 

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Top Ten Things I Would Rather Do Than Run

10.  I would rather eat 30 boxes of ho-hos (mmmmmm......ho-hos) in a 5 minute time limit.

9.  I would rather have a show called "Mike and Jen Plus Ten."  Heck, 11, 12, 13, 14 ,15............

8.  I would rather have bamboo shoots shoved under my fingernails (I do need a manicure).

7.  I would rather be doused in petroleum and set aflame.

6.  I would rather someone cut slits all over my body with a rusted razor blade and soaked in a bath full of rubbing alcohol (what's another tattoo or two).

5.  I would rather jump off a 50 foot cliff with a 55 foot bungee cord wrapped around my ankle (that might leave a mark).

4.  I would rather give a speech on the technical comprehension of chemical disruption of the DeLorean to the 3rd power over the letter Z minus 0 given a flux capacitor and a safety pin wearing a pink tu-tu and sporting a "GI JANE" hair-do. 

3. I would rather jump from a C-17 in the middle of Korowai tribe in Papua, Indonesia.  Strapped to my front is a sign that says "long lost tribe member" and on the back it says "I'm a witch."

2. I would rather have my husband give me papercuts for as many times as I have had him stop and get me a cup of joe (BTW...that's a lot).


Monday, March 7, 2011

Snow Bunny!

So, for the longest time I felt so sad for my oldest daughter.  As she was growing up I enrolled her in soccer, softball, basketball, cheerleading, hop scotch, kickball, jump rope, 4 name it.  Unfortunately, she just didn't have the skills.  Couldn't get the fundamentals down.  BUT.....I think we found her nitche.  Her place in the athletic world, if you will.  SKIING!  She completely rocks it.  Not only is she really good at this sport, but she is the prettiest snow bunny I've ever seen.  ;)  Her first time skiing was 26 December 2009 and she has been on several ski trips since we've been stationed here on mainland Japan.  I just hope we will be able to support this passion she has for this sport.  Enjoy the pics.  

 Asia's first ski trip to Tanbara Ski Park

      Skiing Iwappara

Skiing Naeba

Snowboarding Naeba.  She enjoyed this as well.  I know she would rock it if given the opportunity again.

 Asia and her best friend Alex skiing Sapporo

Skiing Iwappara again with her friends Sophie and Sydney

I'm so happy that we are able to give her this opportunity to explore her horizons.  Some people just are not fortunate enough to give so many opportunities to their children and I certainly do not take it for granted.  Life is good to me and my family.