Friday, April 22, 2011


I don't know, but I just haven't been in the mood to blog.  I can't blame it on the earthquake or my Family departing.  I can't say I haven't had the time because I have more than enough time on my hands right now.  I just.......well........too darn lazy, I guess.  I'm famous for starting personal projects and never finishing it.  Mike can atest to this, but the one that I truly want to push forward with is this whole blog thingy.  It allows for my friends and relatives to read and track what is happening in our lives.
So, where do I start?  How about 11 March 2011.  This is a pretty significant day.  I've never been in an earthquake per say.  Sure, I've felt tremors here and there, but WOW.....this was mothernature at her best.  I was sitting in the BN XO's office with a couple other folks.  The BN XO's office is like the hub for people to release all issues.  What's great about it is that when I walk out his door I have my problems pretty much resolved.  Whether it's him or some other random character trying to get leave with an answer.  Anyways, so there we were, trying to resolve issues.  Next thing you know the earth was shaking as if we were in a snowglobe and someone was wanting to see the perty snow rise and fall.  I have to be honest...I wasn't scared in the least.  I was like "WOOOO, this is awesome!"  After we assemble outside (okay.....not a smart thing with all the powerlines and other structures that can easily topple on someone), take accountability, get the ALL CLEAR.....we head back inside.  So, where do I go?  Yes, the BN XO's office.  Hmmm.....where did he disappear to?  Ahhh, he's outside.  LOL.  Where do I go?  YES....outside.  The earth begins to shake again.  Literally, I'm swaying left to right.  It's wicked crazy.  I'm thinking to myself that this is so sweet.  I regret those thoughts.  I surely didn't think of the 2nd and 3rd order effects from this massive quake.  People lost their lives cause of this (God bless them).  Not much later came the tsunami, mad issues with the power plant, and the hustle and bustle to get Families that want to voluntary depart the AO to feel safe.  That's where I am right now in life.  My Family is gone.  They will not return back to Japan.  Following this assignment I will more than likely deploy.  Don't get me wrong, I'm a trooper and can handle the situation, but it does tug at my heart knowing they miss me so.  I would like to think that I AM the glue that keeps this Family together.  LOL!!!  What?  It's true.  ;)  I'm so fortunate that I have such a wonderful husband.  He's not only that, but he's a KICK ASS DADDY!  I know my children are well taken care of and that gives me piece of mind. 
And pray tell what you have been up to, since your husband and kids are away?  Let's see, I plead the 5th!!!!  No really, my days consist of work, coming home and lots of Facebook.  Wednesday is my night to play poker at the Camp Zama Community Club and the weekends I mope around the house.  ALL DAY LONG.  That's my story and I'm sticking to it.  ;)  I do miss my Family, but it is what it is.  I would prefer it was me gone than my husband.  I just don't think he would be able to handle it as well as I.  Not that he loves them more or he is's just........difficult to explain really.  I guess I'm use to being gone.  Whether its a night, week, months.  I can deal with it. 
So anyways, here I am.  Sitting on my la-z-boy.  I have about 3 more months of this and i'm outta here.  I will miss Japan dearly.  I'm not through with her yet though.  So many places to explore yet.  Wish the Family could join me, but I'm not going to mope around the house.  HAHAHA.  Love each and every one of you.  See you on the flip side.